Market Intelligence

Effective executive recruitment is based on market intelligence, the methods, tools and procedures that provide the information needed to make informed decisions. This information is valuable in a highly competitive market which makes attracting the most skilled top executives particularly challenging.

Market intelligence comprises a set of techniques, tools to locate and interpret information about candidates, clients and competition as it helps in creating comprehensive plan for recruitment. A solid understanding of the market provides an executive recruiter with the best chance of finding and hiring the top candidates.

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We offer fully tailored intelligence solutions to meet the unique business requirements of any organization. Our deep industry expertise coupled with cross-functional analyst teams ensures we can support the intelligence requirements of even the most specific of business problems. Our Market Intelligence services include Salary and Benefits Benchmarking, Talent and Market Mapping, Competitor Insights, Company Expansion and Relocation Analysis.

We use a wide variety of data sources combined with a methodical approach to ensure the accuracy and validity of our data with in-depth statistical rigour to provide strong market analysis. These reports are formulated with a broader industry audience in mind and provide a snapshot into the attractiveness, potential and competitive landscape of a market.